Why aren't we all serverless yet?
The median product engineer should reason about applications as composites of high-level, functional Lego blocks where technical low-level details are invisible. Serverless represents just about the ultimate abstraction for this mindset. Consider AWS Lambda’s elevator pitch: “you organize your code into Lambda functions [which run] only when needed and scale automatically. You only pay for the compute time that you consume”. Engineers can get away without paying attention to infrastructure, resource allocation, runtime management, cost optimization, or similar concerns just like they don’t worry about CPU cache coherency algorithms or the electric grid [^1].
And yet, despite an appealing value proposition, the industry pivot to serverless compute[^2] as the default architectural pattern for cloud applications, hasn’t really happened. As AWS Lambda turned 10 last November, Will Larson posted:
Something I'm still having trouble believing is that complex workflows are going to move to e.g. AWS Lambda rather than stateless containers orchestrated by e.g. Amazon EKS. I think 0-1 it makes sense, but operating/scaling efficiently seems hard. […]
The scepticism seems well justified. In 2023 Datadog reported serverless adoption growing between 3-7% among the major cloud providers, with over 50% of their customers using some version of it. However, there is a long way from “we use lambda” to “our complex workflows are all serverless”, and the growth rate seems too incremental to make the case that an exodus is on the way. The general trend of software eating the world is a simpler and more reasonable explanation for that level of growth, especially with AI putting downwards pressure on the cost and cognitive overhead to generate small pieces of purpose-specific code (a sweet spot for serverless). Otherwise, the figures don’t really signal a mass migration.
What are the sources of friction against serverless?
In this piece will discuss two factors. First, fatigue from the last paradigm shift to microservices (a term I’ll use as shorthand for architectures based on small, loosely coupled services with bounded contexts). That transition was much harder than expected because of immaturity in tooling, infrastructure, but also a critical gap between technical and organizational readiness. Second that, while some might consider that the industry is being too conservative, caution is in fact reasonable because serverless will exacerbate the same type of challenges that were created by microservices (many of which are still not fully resolved).
The post-traumatic syndrome of microservices
A technological trend can be directionally correct, but direction says little about timing, which is where most people get burned. Early adopters share part of the industry bill for maturing a technology, so in a way, every migration implies a bet that the cost / benefit ratio will work out either because the maturity gap is already small enough, or because the new technology will provide outsized benefits.
Microservices made a canonical example of how easy it is to miscalibrate that bet. Since the trend started ~15y ago, these architectures proved effective to solve real problems of scale, reliability or productivity. But also showed a heavy reliance on load-bearing infrastructure and organizational competence that didn’t exist back then. FAANGs and service providers subsidized tooling and infrastructure. The rest of the industry paid out of their own pocket for the real-world projects where solutions were tested on the longer tail of use cases and a generation of engineers were trained on them. (Make your own estimates on what % of tech industry ****funding may have gone to “break the monolith” projects alone.)
The positive side of the microservice bubble was that it socialized the cost of maturing the technology. In 2025 we enjoy a collective knowledge base of benefits, trade-offs, risks and, especially, contraindications (knowing when not to use a technology is a good marker of maturity, and it’s significant that only in the last couple of years it became acceptable to say that a monolith is usually a better starting point). The negative side was that, in retrospect, many organizations would have preferred to opt-out of the battle testing part, and wait at the boring side of the adoption curve.
The serverless trend may very well be directionally correct too. But a technical decision maker considering to sponsor a migration will be justifiably worried about miscalibrating that bet and underestimate the pending cost to bridge the remaining maturity gap. With microservice scars still fresh, and immersed in a post-ZIRP economic environment, this is already a risky proposition.
Where is the complexity of moving into serverless?
Load-bearing infrastructure
A naive mental model for the transition to serverless involves laying each microservice in the chopping board and fragment its constituent logical components into a collection of smaller functions. At a high elevation this makes no fundamental change: a functional Lego block is conceptually the same whether it’s implemented as an endpoint in a microservice or a lambda function. But so are an electric and a combustion car conceptually the same, at least until you’re trying to refuel.
High-level abstractions are always supported by load-bearing infrastructure which may (and should) be invisible, but is never irrelevant. The transition to electric cars depends on adapting or rebuilding the energy distribution network that is taken for granted in combustion cars. The transition to microservices depended on providing a new stack of technical infrastructure to solve distributed systems problems that emerged as soon as communication between Lego blocks took place over the network instead of a motherboard (to wit: on-wire formats, latency, reliability, data integrity, service discovery, deployment, observability, troubleshooting, etc.). In a similar way, fragmenting a microservice into lambdas implies a leap away from a significant part of of the previous load-bearing infrastructure.
A basic example are dependency injection frameworks like Dagger, Google Wire, Uber FX, or Spring Boot, which simplify wiring up dependencies among the handful of internal components that make up a typical microservice. After those components fragment into a collection of lambdas, the scope expands from a narrow problem of bookkeeping local references within a process, to one of orchestrating cloud resources using raw cloud APIs.
Similar conversations appear in many other domains besides application frameworks: observability, continuous delivery, etc. Piggybacking on tooling and infrastructure for stateless architectures is insufficient to support large serverless ones. Building purpose-specific abstractions to fill those gaps makes for interesting engineering challenges, but any decision maker considering a migration to serverless will rather see them as an inconvenient liability, with uncertain cost, and with too many odds of locking down engineering capacity that might be better used for revenue-generating purposes.
Organizational readiness
Closing technical maturity gaps is not just a matter of building tools, but also rewiring individuals and organizations to deploy them effectively. Back in the 2010s, Netflix became one of the key referents in applying microservices at scale in good part thanks to open sourcing a vast portfolio of internal tools and infrastructure. Their cloud architect at the time, Adrian Cockcroft, said in a 2023 microservice retrospective: “maybe […] we came up with stuff and we shared it with people and a few people took it home and tried to implement it before their organizations were really ready for it.”
Most organizations have appetite for speed and growth. But introducing a technical innovation that optimizes for scale, speed, and productivity puts pressure on the organization to keep up and renegotiate trade-offs around decision-making structures, communication dynamics, operational capabilities, risk tolerance, quality standards, and similar factors to stay aligned with the purely technical aspects.
In my experience, this organizational readiness has a significant lag that manifests most often in delivery pipelines. Nowadays it’s easy to find technical systems that look on the whiteboard like the canonical fabric of independent, decentralized services on top of a bingo card of modern tooling. But behind the surface many conceal monolithic delivery processes where supposedly autonomous teams are forced to parade changes in lockstep through a byzantine, maintenance-heavy via crucis of ”dev”, “staging” or “pre-prod” environments where broad test suites validate each change against the entire system before it reaches production. This model has obvious scalability problems that cancel most of the potential of microservice architectures (and sometimes make things worse). But getting the broader organization to buy into other ways of planning, developing, testing, delivering and operating complex distributed systems is tough.
Serverless amplifies the challenges of microservices
“Death Star” diagrams were commonly used in the early 2010s represent the increased complexity inherent to microservice architectures. If serverless implies that each one fragments further into hyper granular lambda functions, then the application becomes a Death Star of Death Stars, which is bound to exacerbate the same problems that the industry has been grappling with for the past ~15 years. Technical ones might be solved through sheer investment in tooling and infrastructure, but fewer organizations are willing to take an unbounded share of that cost. Rewiring individual and collective mental frameworks that can deploy and operate them effectively will take much longer.

What are effective vectors for serverless adoption?
Head winds may mean that wholesale migration of workloads is unlikely to happen in the short-medium term. This does not mean that serverless lacks a solid value proposition (Simon Wardley has articulated the case a few times), so it is still worth finding adoption vectors that allow for selective, low-risk, incremental steps. My blueprint is basically this:
- Focus on domains owned by fully autonomous teams, who are already fluent in developing, deploying, testing operating all their software independently from the rest of the rest of the organization, and where product stakeholders are equally comfortable with that autonomy.
- Migrate existing workloads that have well-scoped, self-contained logic, don’t need complex state management, have low to mid-level traffic and bursty profiles that fit well with cost / performance trade-offs of serverless (that paragraph serves as a prompt into your favourite LLM, which should spit out some combination of event-driven, background tasks, glue for lightweight orchestration, user authentication flows, etc.)
- AI and LLM Integrations deserve their own category. As I mentioned above, these pretty much satisfy all the above properties, tend to appear in a more experimental context and drag less legacy dependencies. With AI Agents shaping to be the trending topic of 2025, the type of architecture described in Anthropic’s “Building effective agents” lends itself well to composites of small bits of business encapsulated in functions.
I will close highlighting a central argument in Simon Wardley’s case for serverless:
The future is worrying about things like capital flow through your applications, where money is actually being spent and what functions, monitoring that capital flow, tying it to the actual value you're creating […] All of a sudden, we've got billing by function, we can look at capital flow in applications, we can associate value to the actual cost.” (source)
To the extent that the main incentive for broad serverless adoption is not technical, but financial, the sponsor is unlikely to come from the engineering department. This has non-trivial implications, but I’ll leave that for another time.
[1]: A different matter is whether a product engineer should merrily go about being content with never lifting the cover of the abstractions he relies on.
[2]: I will narrow serverless to compute (e.g. AWS Lambda and family) excluding technologies that some people bundle in the term like event buses, queues, API gateways, etc. Those are core primitives for serverless architectures, but it doesn’t seem right to say that someone consuming from an event bus with stateless service deployed in EC2 is actually doing “serverless”.