How about we forget the concept of test types?
I have found that the concept of test types (unit, integration, and so on) does more harm than good. People often give me odd looks when I say this, so having the explanation in a URL will come handy for future reference. I will use it as an introduction to a series of practical case studies on the topic of testing software.
Test types shape the way engineers and even adjacent professionals reason about testing software. This goes far beyond how an engineer may decide to test a single change. It also influences how teams and entire organisations analyse, design, implement, and evolve their testing pipelines. Which is no joke, given that test writing, test infrastructure, and test tooling accounts for around 30-40% of the cost of maintaining software (ChatGPT or Google queries are consistent in that ballpark, which roughly matches my experience). This cost is well justified by the impact of testing on any company whose product depends on building software.
Imagine you’re in one of those organisations. It might be new, and growing. How do you structure the testing pipelines, the infrastructure, the principles and “best practices” that govern work inside each individual engineering team and across them. How do you find the right balance between quality and velocity? Do we need a QA team? How will all those elements behave when growing pains appear? Will they adapt and keep up with the business, or will your engineering machinery grind to a halt?
What happens if the organisation was consolidated, and already at that breaking point? Suffering quality issues, slow development, gruelling and unpredictable delivery cycles. How do you approach the task of improving the quality of the overall product, and each of its components? How do you identify the necessary changes in the existing testing pipeline? How do you convince leadership to fund them? How do you execute those changes without disrupting the business? When these changes impact the way product teams develop, test, and distribute their software, how do we exercise an effective influence on their (likely reluctant) engineers, their tech leads, their engineering and product managers? What type of shared testing infrastructure needs to be built to support all those teams, and which should never be built, even if teams ask for it? Was there a QA team already? Does their role change? How different are the analysis and the solutions if the product is not just a web site with a bunch of server-side components, but also has a mobile application, or native ones, or firmware? How do we know if we’re making progress?
Having solid foundations to reason about your testing is essential to answer any of those questions.
Test types consolidated on that foundational role when Michael Cohn introduced the Test Pyramid in “Succeeding with Agile” (2010). The key concept it put in the collective mindset was that you can classify tests in types which are then laid down as layers. Bottom to top these were ”unit”, “service” (nowadays perhaps more commonly known as “integration”), and “user interface”. You want to have more of the lower ones, fewer of the upper ones.
Here is Cohn himself:
"At the base of the test automation pyramid is unit testing. Unit testing should be the foundation of a solid test automation strategy and as such represents the largest part of the pyramid. Automated unit tests are wonderful because [...]"
This says something about their importance relative to other types but nothing about how to distinguish them. I couldn’t find a clearer definition in “Succeeding with Agile”. In my experience, when people talk about unit tests they imply a focus on verifying a narrow surface of a code base, although it’s unclear how narrow. Wikipedia says that a “Unit is the smallest component that can be isolated within the complex structure of an app. It could be a function, a subroutine, a method or property”, but it comes along with a “citation needed
” and if I take that definition seriously, then Cohn’s later point that Service testing “fill[s] the gap between unit and user interface testing” sounds like defining water surfaces as “ponds” and “everything else”.
So let’s consult more consultants. Martin Fowler explains that when writing unit tests at C3 they would “set up a test fixture that created that object with all the necessary dependencies so it could execute its methods.” Now we seem to be at the granularity of an object. But in the same explanation he provides a quote from Kent Beck’s Extreme Programming, which Fowler reads as meaning that “’unit test’ means anything written by the programmers as opposed to a separate testing team”.
That scope seems panoramic compared with “the smaller component that can be isolated within […] an app” that we read in Wikipedia and many other sources. Besides, linking the type of test to who writes it is also problematic: I know of many organisations where programmers write most tests, even those that verify large areas of the system or the UI. Does this mean that tests will be “unit” in one company but not in another?
According to Martin Fowler, there was “considerable discussion” about Kent Beck’s formulation to the point that “one test expert vigorously lambasted Kent for his usage”. They asked the expert for his definition of unit testing and he replied that “in the first morning of my training course I cover 24 different definitions of unit test.”
We can’t expect much of a conceptual framework based on test types when the key terms, in Fowler’s own words, “have always been rather murky, even by the slippery standards of most software terminology”. It certainly explains why using them in any conversation about testing among engineers works like the proverbial can of worms. Once you open it, the slimy creeps cause trouble everywhere.
But it’s worse than that. If engineers can’t have a meaningful conversation about testing, then the communication with business stakeholders about quality and software delivery is doomed to be nothing but dysfunctional.
I have seen my share of the consequences. Organisations that take the pyramid at heart and over invest on the basis with a multitude of hyper granular unit tests for individual functions and methods. They run into the law of diminishing returns. Issues proliferate at the articulation between pieces that were considered individually correct. Business stakeholders are unimpressed by the high coverage number and would rather see the product work after assembling the pieces. The “two unit tests, zero integration tests” memes circulate. Teams get burnt by those problems, some dismiss unit tests as “encumbering and superficial” and conclude that unit testing is overrated. They decide that they need less of that type, and more of the comprehensive types that exercise complete use cases across wider surfaces of the system. A good amount of those teams later end up buried under the weight of byzantine test infrastructures that silently grew slow and unscalable in technical, organisational, or both dimensions. In the meantime business grows more and more frustrated with the slow pace of delivery.
All the way through this mess, people try to figure out what went wrong. They have opinionated debates around the company’s or the internet’s water cooler that seldom reach a conclusion. Maybe the problem is in the choice of shape? What if the Pyramid has fallen out of style? Perhaps we should get more creative. Let’s try the Test Trophy. The Test Honeycomb. The Test Diamond. The Test Crab. We were not able to define one type properly but why not add more? Component tests. API tests. Fowler himself proposes Subcutaneous tests, Broad stack tests, Solitary and Sociable tests. Sometimes they depend on how much surface of code is touched. Others it’s on how that code is structured. On what part of the stack the code belongs to. How are tests written, or who writes them. Anything goes.
The whole thing reminds of Borges’ Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge. All are valid classifications, none authoritative, and their utility limited to some. Which is fine for certain topics. But when it comes about testing software it seems that the importance of the subject would deserve, if not demand, that software engineers have a solid vocabulary to hold a rational conversation, among themselves and with stakeholders.

How about we stop being content with “slippery standards” on our professional terminology and pay less attention to these murky terms? What if instead, we focus on what we want to achieve and frame the problem as what it is: a system. After all a test pipeline is just that, a system whose inputs are code and related artefacts produced by development teams, and whose function is to give as much confidence as possible on whether they work as expected. We want this system to remain efficient, performant, cost-effective, and scalable to keep up with the needs of the business. The usual drill.
With this approach the problem stops being about shoehorning the complexity of modern software in awkwardly shaped geometric ideals that fit someone’s wooden box. Instead, we are designing a system with a clear purpose. We are doing engineering.
What do we find if we look at a testing pipeline from a systems perspective? Well, one can think about three basic, familiar properties we always care about: latency, throughput, error rate.
- Latency tells us how long it takes to verify a given change, to run a test, or the full test suite. It measures the length of our feedback loops.
- Throughput tells us how many of those verifications I can run per unit of time.
- Error rate tells us what percentage of test executions fail to do their job. Note that this is not the same as failed tests (that is a successful execution!). Errors would be false positives (regressions that pass all tests and therefore slip through our safety net), or false negatives (often flakes that fail tests even though there wasn’t an actual regression).
These are not ground breaking ideas! They permeate the literature about software testing in one form or another (the reason for preferring unit tests boils down to trade-offs around latency, error rate, throughput). But for some reason types, categories, and shapes take the spotlight and dominate the discussion. Bringing back the focus to the domain of systems design rather than abstract classification games, helps reason about problems around testing much more productively.
As I mentioned above this is meant to be an introduction to a short series of posts about testing software. The next posts will be practical applications of a systems perspective:
- Analyse a testing pipeline with multiple teams involved, which suffers many of the pathologies described above. It will be based on real examples that I have found in the wild. I will model these pipelines as an actual system and show how this gives us a much better understanding of what we can do to improve the situation.
- Show concrete interventions that can be implemented, from the individual team level to the larger organisation, and use our model of the system to observe and measure the impact. I will also try to reference real work done in some of the companies I’ve worked with.
I’m curious about how people design their own testing pipelines, challenges, and useful patterns, so anything you want to share will be very welcome.